HypnoSage / Testimonials  / “…my core trust has expanded…

“…my core trust has expanded…

“Working with Tanya, my identified specific fears and grief have melted away and my core trust has expanded, leaving me more at peace and open to what life is bringing me. Given that, I judge Tanya’s hypnosis work to be powerful and very effective, and I have been since trying to identify exactly what she does so well, so precisely. I suspect that her warm and accepting nature invited me to be honest and get right into the matter. I noticed that her simple yet potent questions and clear reflecting back to me helped me to feel completely understood and heard. Then, when the hypnosis part began, she has a way of suggesting some very powerful options, and she does so with complete trust for my free will and respect for my need to do so in my own way and in my own time.
I cannot see a flaw in any of her practice and as a therapist myself, I hold incredible scrutinity towards others who I entrust to support my process. What I do see is that she is both very skilled and very adaptable to her clients, effective and confident while open and willing to trust herself and the process. I look forward to coming back and testing her frame and her abilities again. Based on how effective and complete my two sessions with her were, I can only image how rich and profound my experience may be the next time.”

David Jan Jurasek, MFA, CCC
Transformational consultant, Child & Family Therapist & Playback Theatre Director

Tanya P

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